Canaries bananas TV ad

Canaries banana association Asprocan has launched the latest round of its Plátano de Canarias advertising campaign, which will this time aim to showcase the healthy eating benefits of its fruit to Spanish consumers.

The 2011 campaign, which runs under the slogan ‘Everything worth getting comes at a price’ (‘Todo lo que merece la pena cuesta conseguirlo’) was officially launched on 3 March and will appear in television spots until 28 March.

According to Asprocan’s public relations agency, Agr!, the video for the campaign was shot two weeks ago on several Canarian banana plantations on the island of Tenerife.

The agency said the initiative would encouraging greater Canarian banana consumption by highlighting the fruit’s nutritional qualities, while at the same time “showing the public the careful production process employed by the Canary Island plantations”.

The Plátano de Canarias advert is due to be featured on several national Spanish networks, while it will also feature in special promotional spots appearings on targeted television programmes such as talk shows ‘Donde estás corazón?’, ‘Sálvame’, ‘El programa de Ana Rosa’ and ‘La Noria’.

Agr! said the campaign would additionally continue to work with Spanish celebrity chefs Karlos Arguiñano and Bruno Oteiza, who work recipes featuring Canarian bananas into their television cookery shows.