Bramley apple campaign

In the UK, the Bramley Apple Campaign is celebrating the success of Bramley Apple Week, which took place on 7-14 February this year and reached over 7m people across the country.

During the week, Bramleys were featured extensively on national and regional television, in country-wide newspapers and weekly and monthly magazines, achieving an equivalent advertising value of over £112,000 (€127,000) and leading to a 50 per cent increase in traffic on the website.

In particular, this year's Bramley Apple Week focused on the versatility of the variety, with a new series of recipes and a partnership with BBC Magazines to produce an insert in Easy Cook Magazine.

Coverage highlights from the week included recipes in Chat, Cook Vegetarian, People's Friend, Sainsbury's, Easy Living, Woman and Woman's Weekly Magazines, an inclusion in chef Phil Vickery's poached beef recipe on television show This Morning, and a spot on Saturday Kitchen when James Tanner and James Martin cooked a fillet of pork with a Bramley apple sauce.

'Bramley Apple Week was a tremendous success,' said Adrian Barlow, chairman of the Bramley campaign. 'We were able to build on the momentum of last year's bicentenary and continue to make a real impact with consumers.'