Best Sorting Macfrut Oscar 2011

Belgian technology company Best Sorting has revealed that it was awarded a Macfrut Oscar at the now-annual ceremony held at the event in Cesena, Italy.

According to the group, the judging committee at Macfrut awarded Best the Oscar for the development of its advanced laser technology, that allows it to combine with cameras and infrared to optimise the detection of foreign material in iceberg, lettuces and lettuce mixes.

'We are proud to win this prestigious award,' said Frank De Brauwer, sales manager at Best. It proves once more that Best continues to improve its sorting efficiencies.

'In a product stream, Best takes out foreign material along with discolourations close to perfection,' he noted. 'Our laser in combination with FLUO technology, colour camera and dense foreign material detector makes it possible to sort the core from the cut iceberg lettuce, resulting in an increased yield and reduced labour cost.

'Best has years of experience in the lettuce industry and became a leader and a pioneer over the last years. With a multitude of reference installations, we continue to set the standard for lettuce sorting.'