Awe Sum Organics Argentine pears

Awe Sum Organics says the first arrivals of pears from Argentina’s Rio Negro Valley point to an excellent quality crop for 2014. However volumes will be shorter across all varieties.

“Volumes are projected to be down 20-30 per cent due to a light fruit set on the trees, so supply this season on all varieties will be lighter than normal,” he said.

The season kicked off with Bartletts and Red Bartletts, which will wind down in mid-April, Posner said, when the first Abate Fetel, D’Anjou, Packham, Autumn Bartlett and Bosc would arrive.

He claimed many customers like to run promotions with Abates because their attractive appearance makes for a strong display and they arrive in early Spring before the start of the summer fruit season. “Our organic pears carry our customers through the spring and into summer, until the California season begins,” he said.

Awe Sum Organics sources its Argentine pears from PAI, a family-owned cooperative that has been producing pears in the Rio Negro Valley since the early 1900s. “We knew we had to find the best organic pear grower out there and we’ve been working exclusively with PAI ever since,” Posner said.