Avocados from Mexico has announced its first national marketing campaign, the month-long Avocado All-Stars promotion, an integrated campaign that leverages the upcoming Major League Baseball (MLB) play-offs in the US.

According to the group, the promotion will demonstrate how fresh Mexican avocados can help 'green-up' game-day snacks and offer a healthier alternative.

The integrated promotion includes TV, print and digital advertising, in-store signage and a full marketing programme, and is expected to generate over 236m impressions by the end of October.

TV advertising has been running since 1 October, with a series of four commercial spots running over 45 placements during the MLB play-offs.

The promotion is part of a larger consumer campaign designed to differentiate and distinguish avocados from Mexico from those of other countries, as well as from processed avocado products.

Avocados From Mexico has designed the campaign to be rooted in avocado education, to excite consumers with new uses, and to explore creative ways to cook with avocados.