Angelys pears Giumarra Freshmax

Los Angeles-based importer Giumarra Wenatchee has revealed that it will bring a new pear variety to the market this year, by becoming the exclusive North American supplier for the Angélys pear, which is grown in the Nelson region of New Zealand by Freshmax.

According to Giumarra, it will market limited supplies of Angélys this summer, with initial availability from mid-June.

The fruit, which was originally bred in France, is described as having a sweet, bold flavour profile, bronze skin with a pink blush, and boasts good shelf life and storability.

“This is the first time this variety will be available in the US market,” said Jason Bushong, division manager for Giumarra Wenatchee. “We think there is great potential growth with Angélys because of its unique characteristics and superb flavour. Consumers are really looking for flavour, and this pear will deliver.'

The 2013 programme will offer trial volumes from June through until August, with additional production already planned for future seasons following success in New Zealand and France.

“Summer will provide a great opportunity to merchandise the pear in unique ways, either by itself or as part of a larger summer fruit display featuring multiple items,” noted Scott Ross, eastern region business manager for Giumarra. “Educating consumers on its key attributes generates interest and leads to repeat purchases.”