Angela Merkel apples from Germany

The organisers behind the annual Apples from Germany campaign have marked the end of this season's German apple harvest with a special presentation of the fruit to the country's Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The presentation, which took place last week ahead of a meeting of German government ministers, saw baskets of domestically grown apples delivered to Mrs Merkel's office.

Among the full range of varieties on display was a large helping of the Chancellor's own personal favourite, Boskoop, as well as Braeburn, Cox Orange, Elstar, Gala, Holsteiner Cox, Ingrid Marie, Jonagold and Topaz.

The meeting of apple marketers and political representatives in Germany is now an annual event, providing the sector with a valuable photo opportunity which can raise the profile of home-grown apples on the German market.

However, this year's event involved for the first time Germany's various apple queens from the regions of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Brandenburg, Saxony, Lake Constance, Altes Land and Schleswig-Holstein.

The Apples from Germany campaign is backed by the country's main topfruit producer organisations: Fahner Obst, Landgard, MEV, MaBo, M.AL, OGM Oberkirch, SaaleObst, Sachsenobst, Veos, Obst EG, VOG Rheinhessen, VOG Weisenheim and WOG Raiffeisen.