Company receives awards from two suppliers for carbon footprint reduction at Fruit Attraction

Agroponiente sustainability

Grupo Agroponiente was recognised by two suppliers at last week’s Fruit Attraction for its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.

Logistics company Frío Guerrero awarded Agroponiente a certificate for its efforts to offset the carbon footprint through projects with Frío Guerrero, while packaging company EPS presented Agroponiente with a certificate for reducing its carbon footprint through the use of its packaging solutions.

Agroponiente said its commitment to actions and strategies aimed at reducing its carbon footprint runs throughout the company, as these two examples in logistics and packaging attested.

“These are simply two examples of this strategy aimed at contributing to an improvement in the environment and the development of a sustainable activity that is committed to the environment, embodied in the slogan ‘mindful agriculture’, which the Agroponiente Group has applied firmly and rigorously, to achieve important tangible results in different areas,” the company said.

CEO Imanol Almudí commented: “For us, environmental and sustainability commitment is neither anecdotal nor something dispensable; it forms part of our corporate philosophy, it is in the company’s DNA and is a fundamental pillar in the way the company works, both in general and in all its departments in particular.

“And as can be seen, it also includes relations with all the actors in our environment, from farmers to customers, including, of course, our suppliers, such as these two, who are examples of working together for a healthier and more sustainable environment”.