2x2 campaign launch

A new promotional push aimed at boosting consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables among young children and teenagers has been unveiled in the Netherlands.

The new promotion, 'Ik doe mee met 2x2' ('I'm joining 2x2'), was officially launched in the town of Monster with a special cookery class held by campaign organisers the GroentenFruit Bureau and led by leading Dutch chef Rudolph van Veen.

The EU-backed project is part of the ongoing 2x2 campaign, which is set to be promoted heavily across the Netherlands via television commercials, online banners, advertisements and a specially compiled book designed to encourage fresh produce consumption among children.

According to GroentenFruit Bureau, the 2x2 website remains central to the campaign, offering links to a range of resources including healthy eating tips and recipes.

Actress Leontine Borsato and singer Angela Groothuizen, both of whom are campaign ambassadors for 2x2, were on hand at the launch event, where children and parents were offered practical advice on how to include more fresh produce in their diets.

'With three growing children of my own, I realise that setting a good example now contributes to a healthy lifestyle later,' commented Mrs Borsato. 'I see that if I provide an example, the children are more likely to eat fruit and vegetables.'

She added: 'Hopefully the 2x2 campaign will mean more people realise the importance of healthy eating.'

Fellow ambassador Angela Groothuizen described 2x2 as a 'great initiative' and said she hoped it would reverse recent obesity trend among children.

In my career I have always worked a lot with young people and it hurts me to see more and more children are overweight,' she said. 'Despite my busy schedule, I always make sure my daughters are consuming enough healthy fruit and vegetables.'