Sunkist web

US citrus marketer Sunkist Growers has moved to bring to life its story of quality, heritage and tradition through the launch of a new website.

The site is split into four audience categories — consumers, retail trade, foodservice trade and growers — with content and resources created specifically for each category.

Joan Wickham, Sunkist Growers’ advertising and public relations manager, said the new design was born out of both qualitative and quantitative research that provided key insights into understanding Sunkist’s online audiences.

“During the research and design phases, it was important to us to ensure we were considering our users and designing the site around their current needs, while also staying on top of emerging technology and trends,” Wickham explained. “The result is what we hope will be an accessible and engaging experience for visitors that positions Sunkist as the go-to online resource for all things citrus.”

Wickham said the focus of the design strategy was to create a visually engaging, dynamic and energetic experience that represents the Sunkist brand and helps cut through the competitive online environment. A simplified sitemap and straightforward navigation helps to showcase Sunkist’s citrus lines and highlights the company’s brand story.

“With its robust design, the website will be a powerful business tool and give Sunkist the ability to connect with consumers and trade audiences on a new and engaging platform,” said Julie DeWolf, Sunkist’s director of retail marketing. “We are proud to be able to offer consumer and trade audiences this experience.”

To view the new website visit