Article was updated Thursday, 6 September to reflect the fact that Italy, The Beauty of Quality is in no way intended to be a consumer-facing brand, rather it will be used solely for the purpose of promoting Italian fresh produce exporters and their products to the trade.
Italy has launched a new branding and marketing campaign to raise the profile of fresh produce companies selling to buyers and importers in foreign markets.
The new brand, Italy, The Beauty of Quality, was unveiled today at the Asia Fruit Logistica trade fair in Hong Kong.
Backed by a number of the country's leading exporters, the brand will be used to increase awareness of its fruit and vegetables particularly in emerging markets, forming the focal point of promotions to the trade around the world.
According to CSO, the agency charged with developing the brand's marketing worldwide, the new campaign will be used at international industry events including trade fairs to highlight what it describes as the country's unique quality.
CSO's head of international development Federico Milanese told Eurofruit the brand was expected to perform a key role in enabling Italian exporters to sell more of their products to buyers in Asia, the Middle East, Russia, North America and elsewhere.