
Fresh Produce Forum China speakers include Fabien Dumont of Dutch group Fruitmasters (left) and Ray He, GM of Tmall Fresh (right)

E-commerce is changing the shape of China’s fresh produce business, and some of the industry’s leading players will explain just how at Fresh Produce Forum China.

Co-organised by Asia Fruit Logistica and Asiafruit Magazine, China’s leading international trade conference for the fresh fruit and vegetable business takes place on 23-25 May at the JW Marriot Hotel in Hangzhou. The mega-city in Shanghai’s hinterland is China’s hi-tech hub, and it serves as the perfect venue for this second edition of Fresh Produce Forum China.

After a Welcome Reception on the evening of 23 May, Fresh Produce Forum China’s conference programme runs throughout the day on 24 May, kicking off with the keynote session ‘E-commerce 2.0’. E-commerce has already been a game-changer for China’s fresh produce business as a consumer-direct channel, but its impact is poised to become much deeper and wider. The opening session looks not only at how e-commerce is scaling up in China, but also at how it is setting new standards throughout the supply chain in key segments such as wholesaling, distribution and retailing.

Ray He, general manager of Tmall Fresh, will explain how the e-tail giant is upgrading its services to source more products from around the world for its online shoppers. He’ll also outline the role the fresh produce business has to play in driving sales of other categories outside of food on Tmall, and detail the latest trends and innovations in the integration of online and offline retail platforms.

Zhang Yi of Floruit will discuss how the company has brought Beijing’s conventional fruit import market Cuixianyuan online with its business-to-business (B2B) platform. Zhang will explain the benefits of the B2B system, and how it has changed the market for its daily wholesale business.

Direct sourcing is another headline theme for Fresh Produce Forum China. Leading B2B online fruit company Frutacloud has taken a pioneering approach to sourcing, introducing exclusive imported fruits and working with global partners to develop products and packaging at the production end. The company’s founder George Liu will outline Frutacloud’s new direct sourcing model in the session.

While General Sessions debate the biggest trends affecting the China market, Fresh Produce Forum also features Breakout Sessions going into more detail on specific topics.

Jinfeng Cooperative, the agricultural services arm of Chinese hi-tech crop care giant Kingenta, is aiming to upgrade China’s farming business. In the Breakout Session ‘Technology: making the grade’, Jinfeng Cooperative’s Richard Zhang will discuss the state of China’s farming industry in terms of embracing modern technology to achieve higher productivity and quality standards. He will also discuss the process of bringing the technology and management to China’s farms, and share his advice on how to develop premium domestically-grown products for the Chinese market.

Elsewhere, in the session ‘Building the market for western pears’, Fabien Dumont of Fruitmasters will discuss the Dutch company’s campaign to bring Conference pears from the Netherlands to Chinese consumers. Although China is a major producer and consumer of pears, Asian varieties are very different to their western cousins. Dumont will explain the steps his company is taking to educate trade and consumers in China on how to enjoy western pear varieties.

Network and connect

Running alongside the conference at Fresh Produce Forum China is a high-impact expo where leading local and international companies promote their products and services spanning the entire supply chain.

Fresh Produce Forum China offers first-rate opportunities to network and connect with key decision makers in China’s fresh produce business. The conference and expo is on course to attract well over 200 high-level industry professionals.

Delegates get ample time to meet and do business during the conference and expo. The programme includes hour-long Networking Breaks, a Networking Lunch and two cocktail events.

Fresh Produce Forum China concludes on the 25 May with a day of organised visits taking in key wholesale market, retail and distribution operations in the Hangzhou region.

For more information and programme updates, visit the official website:

English: www.fpf-china.com

Chinese: www.fpf-china.com.cn