Camposol has unveiled a new brand for its blueberry offering. The Berry That Cares line aims to communicate the Peruvian company’s commitment to the environment, its communities, workers, and end consumers.
“It responds to consumers who want to know the story behind their food, and who want to engage with companies that support sustainability practices,' the company said in a release.
Camposol runs a number of social responsibility programmes with its workers and their families, including the Wawa Wasi daycare centre, which has accommodated more than 1,000 children of field and plant workers since its creation.
The company has also fostered sustainable entrepreneurship in the communities that surround its plantations, including health and housing projects such as the construction and operation of the Nuevo Chao medical centre.
With regard to the environment, Camposol has invested in eco-efficiency and wastewater management projects, along with annual fauna and flora censuses in its areas of operation.
“This new brand corroborates Camposol’s commitment to excellence in quality, consistency, and service, but also spotlights its efforts in social and environmental responsibility,” the release added.
The new brand of berries will be available to consumers in the US, Canada, Europe, and China later this month.