Avocado issue spotlights launch of Australian campaign in India and a range of other exciting developments for the category across Asia  

The June 2024 edition of Asiafruit Magazine is now available to subscribers on the Asiafruit app – Apple, Android and desktop – bringing you the latest news and views from across Asia’s fast-moving fresh produce markets.  

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Asiafruit spotlights the launch of Australian avocados in India 

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Our avocado edition offers extensive coverage on the exciting developments for the fast-emerging category in Asia. Fruitnet analyst Wayne Prowse provides a statistical overview of the global avocado trade into Asia. Imports grew by 30 per cent year-on-year in 2023, with China overtaking Japan to become Asia’s largest importer.   

North America correspondent, Jeff Long, shares how Peru maintains its edge in Asia, while rounding up export developments for other key Latin American suppliers. South Africa correspondent Fred Meintjes also reports on the recent market access breakthroughs for the industry in China and India. 

Our in-depth cover story homes in on Australian avocado industry’s new marketing campaign in India. The industry body officially marked Australia’s entry to the Indian market on 9 May with the launch of a consumer-facing campaign fronted by cricket icon Brett Lee. We talk to leading industry players about the promising start for Australian avocados in India, and the keys to capitalising on the growth potential.   

Cherries are also spotlighted in this edition. We provide in-depth previews of the US Northwest and Turkish campaigns and a report from the Global Cherry Summit on the consumption challenges facing the Chilean industry.  

All this, plus reports on grapes, kiwifruit and citrus.