Following a successful collaboration with Van Gogh Heritage Foundation in 2023, T&G will feature Forbidden City artwork across its Envy apple Mid-Autumn Festival gift boxes this year

Envy has grown to become one of the leading premium apple brands in key global markets, including China, Vietnam and Thailand. For T&G Global, the distinctive red-coloured apple continues to be a standout performer – growing in both global consumer demand and solid returns for growers.

“While there are many new and established apple varieties, Envy apples are a standout performer,” says Shane Kingston, director international sales and marketing at T&G. “Our strategy is focused on continuing to grow this incredible brand in key global markets and build and maintain consumer preference and loyalty through the brand’s year-round presence.”

While Kingston says T&G is focused on everyday consumption, significant events such as Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival make up a key part of overall sales. T&G uses this time to push promotional activations including branded gift boxes which are extremely popular across Asia.

“Our elegantly packaged Envy apple gift boxes have cemented themselves as the perfect choice for festive gift giving,” Kingston says.

Last season, T&G partnered with the Van Gogh Heritage Foundation to include a range of van Gogh’s paintings across gift boxes and promotional packaging in China. The campaign led to sales rising by 70 per cent, with all stocks of the van Gogh gift boxes selling out, according to T&G.

Following the success of this campaign, the company will again include selected artworks in its Mid-Autumn Festival gift boxes. This time it is partnering with The World of Palace by Forbidden City Culture.

In addition to the gift boxes, T&G will run in-store promotional activities to support the campaign.

“The team plans to sell double the number of gift boxes featuring the ornate Forbidden City artwork compared to the van Gogh quantities that were produced and sold in 2023,” Kingston says. “This is a testament to the success of these collaborations.”

“This campaign complements our everyday consumption focus and acts as an effective driver of Envy participation in such occasions,” Kingston says.

The strategy has been successful across its other markets as well. In Vietnam, Envy has experienced double-digit growth in recent years for both North American and New Zealand-grown apples.

“We anticipate strong demand again during this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnam,” Kingston says. “Demand and stock volumes for these premium gift boxes have steadily increased from 2022 and will be available in-store from August.”

The brand has experienced similar growth in Thailand, with Envy apples making up 50 per cent of the premium apple category, according to T&G.

“In 2023, Envy was the most consumed apple brand in Thailand,” Kingston says. “Between 2022 and 2024, our in-market team has put in a huge amount of effort and expanded the Envy premium gift box programme in Thailand by approximately 120 per cent.”