Food charity The Felix Project has revealed it will be hosting a webinar on 18th June to combat corporate food waste and prevent the damage it can have on the environment

The Felix Project is to host a webinar aimed at tackling food waste

The Felix Project is to host a webinar aimed at tackling food waste

The Felix Project is set to host its first ever food-industry webinar as it aims to tackle food waste in the UK.

Named ‘Tackling Food Waste: How To Hit Net Zero And Be A Hero’, the event will bring together food industry leaders to discuss how adopting a more socially conscious approach to food surplus has had a positive impact on their business.

Speakers for the event, which will take place on 18th June 2024, have a wholesale and B2B supplier focus and are both long-term and new suppliers to The Felix Project. They will talk through the financial, sustainability and environmental benefits of a charity partnership.

The food charity has confirmed that speakers attending the event include head of supply at The Felix Project, Richard Smith, production manager for Albion Fine Foods, Simon Barnard, and chairman for the Western International Market Tenant Association, Keith Ward.

Other speakers in attendance include head of impact for Vibrant Foods, Amirah Jiwa, and founder of the Lewisham Donation Club, Laurence Smith.

Head of supply at The Felix Project, Richard Smith said: “The Felix Project is the largest food rescue charity in the UK.

“We want to be there to help the food industry cut the amount of surplus going to waste and prevent the harm it does to our environment,” he added.

“We hope this webinar will demonstrate the progress we are already making by working together and encourage more suppliers to come on board, to understand they can overcome any perceived barriers to donating their food, improve their CSR and ultimately help the millions of people struggling to afford to feed their families the healthy and balanced diet they need to survive.”