All Production & Trade articles – Page 1632
Chiquita results improve
Troubled multi-national fresh-produce supplier Chiquita Brands International announces an increase in pre-tax earnings of $10million in 2001compared to 2000.
E-centre chiefs launch barcode guide
Barcode bosses celebrate 25 years of the black-and-white revolution with a guide to getting it right. New devleopments vaunted at London showcase.
Costa Rican melon catastrophe
The bulk of the Costa Rican honeydew melon crop has been wiped out by disease.
FPC issues pesticide alert
The Fresh Produce Consortium has issued an alert following discoveries of chlormequat in Italian carrots.
NZ top-fruit forecast up
A report released by the US foreign attaché service of the department of agriculture forecasts a 14 per cent increase in 2002 for the New Zealand apple export crop.
Good prospects for Chile's kiwi
According to a report from the foreign service of US department of agriculture, Chilean kiwifruit exports in 2002 should benefit from enhanced quality.
Spanish citrus exports down
Official figures from Spain show a decline in citrus sendings to third countries in line with poor weather conditions and a ban on clementine imports in the US.
Buffer zones reduced under LERAP scheme
Defra says fruit growers will save money under new rulings on pesticide buffers.
Defra offers counselling on substance ban
Defra commissions seminars to help growers affected by the imminent ban of methyl bromide.
New red apple gets green light
According to New Zealand press reports, a new Royal Gala sport will soon be planted commercially.
UK agriculture must change, says NFU
NFU president Ben Gill calls for change in UK agriculture at the union's two-day AGM & conference.
AFFCO appoints wheat man
The Australian Fresh Fruit Company has appointed former Australian Wheat Board boss John Lawrenson as non-executive chairman.
Seasonal permits boost
The UK government has announced an increase of 5,000 in the number of permits granted to students from overseas for seasonal labour on farms.
UK importers welcome Puerto Rican mangoes
Mangoes from Puerto Rica have arrived in the UK, one month earlier than usual.
NZ and Chile top again
According to the World Apple Report's seventh annual comparison of apple-growing nations, New Zealand and Chile are once again top of the top-fruit league.
Predicted farming recovery fragile, says NFU
The NFU has warned that a predicted rise in UK agricultural profitability is built on shaky ground.
NFU prepares to fight for subsidies
The NFU has rejected the Farming and Food Policy Commission's funding proposals. The union says farmers will suffer if subsidies go.
HorTIPS tackles seed problem
Technology transfer project HorTIPS will bring out a new guide for growers following a ground-breaking conference of seed industry leaders.