All Production & Trade articles – Page 1631
Mushroom firms under one tree
Mushroom growers consolidate in key move. Strict criteria for new entrants say bosses.
Top chef toasts tractor
Spiky-haired chef Gary Rhodes has teamed up with the NFU to create a recipe leaflet using little-red-tractor food.
Taste Zespri rolling out
New Zealand kiwifruit exporter Zespri International is introducing a new standard –Taste Zespri – to growers.
South African production stable
A report from the US department of agriculture forecasts top-fruit production and exports from South Africa broadly in line with last season's levels.
NFU pressure pays off
Following lobbying from the National Farmers' Union some producers will get their late applications for conversion to organic farming reviewed.
UK boasts winning cherries
Exceptional varieties of cherries ready for world markets. Future potential brilliant, claims grower.
Defra agrees to organic aid review
After pressure from the National Farmers Union, the government will review the cases of around 200 farmers who previously failed to qualify for conversion aid.
Farms target schools
A new website aimed at making life easier for teachers who want to take children onto farms is launched in London.
Pink Lady demand strong
Sales of Pink Lady apples for the northern hemisphere season to January 31 were 50 per cent higher than for the same period in 2000-01.
NZ kiwifruit stable
The 2002 New Zealand kiwifruit crop is forecast to be broadly in line with 2001 volumes.
Pink Lady demand strong
Sales of Pink Lady apples for the northern hemisphere season to January 31 were 50 per cent higher than for the same period in 2000-01.
NZ exports reach new heights
Horticultural exports from New Zealand exceeded NZ$2bn (£580million) in 2001.
WWF reviews Faversham site
Worldwide Fruit will be closing packing and grading operations at its Bysing Wood Road site to redevelop it is a storage facility.
Government stalls on pesticide project name
NFU reveals snag over name for voluntary initiative scheme for pesticides.
Israeli tomato crop situation improving
Israeli tomatoes have been hit by unseasonable cold, wet weather in January. Volumes were down but are now improving.
US apple movement steady
Apple movement out of stocks is broadly in line with average levels despite a 10-year low in fresh-market supplies.
Strawberries gain momentum
St Valentine's Day and warmer temperatures are providing a welcome boost for the strawberry trade.
NFU welcomes immigration proposals
The National Farmers Union says the government's white paper on immigration and asylum takes into account its concerns over seasonal workers for horticulture.
Chiquita results improve
Troubled multi-national fresh-produce supplier Chiquita Brands International announces an increase in pre-tax earnings of $10million in 2001compared to 2000.
E-centre chiefs launch barcode guide
Barcode bosses celebrate 25 years of the black-and-white revolution with a guide to getting it right. New devleopments vaunted at London showcase.