All Production & Trade articles – Page 1605
Ingredients for success
The European Sandwich Show is attracting more UK ingredients suppliers by the year.
Golden outlet for local produce
Herefordshire farm shop takes advantage of Rural Enterprises Scheme grant.
Sadler plays Cameo
It may be called Cameo, but the apple that is causing a stir in the UK is extending the length of its performances with each passing year.
Australian nuts tough out drought
Although drought is likely to reduce the Australian macadamia nut harvest to around 30,000 tonnes in 2002-03 the underlying trend is one of expansion, particularly in terms of exports.
Spanish iceberg tightens again
Spanish iceberg has been running short causing prices to climb to around the 1000p mark on UK wholesale markets, as best samples are snapped up by supermarkets.
Organic lobby focus on kids' food
The Soil Association has said there is growing concern surrounding the food children eat in the wake of recent studies and its own conference last month.
Redbridge merges two divisions
AFI and Redbridge Produce Marketing brought together in latest strategic move of holding company.
Honduran exports rise
A US study has found that non-traditional exports from the Central American nation are on the rise.
EU organic consultation under way
The European Commission has launched an internet consultation exercise about the future of organic farming.
Guernsey glass row
A row has erupted in Guernsey over the purchase of Les Nicolles 22.5 acre rose nursery for use either as a housing estate or a school.
Israeli flowers fight on
Fierce competition in the flower trade in Europe has caused a 30 per cent downfall in prices of Israeli-grown roses, gypsophila, solidago and anemones.
Chile and NZ tie in apple rankings
For the first time in eight years, New Zealand has had to share top spot with another apple producing country – Chile – in a survey measuring international competitiveness.
New look for new season
Capespan reports that its first shipment of Royal Gala from South Africa is on the water and destined for the as early season pears are already receiving a warm welcome and it unveils a new corporate image (pictured) for the new season.
Canine boost to canker battle
Dogs may soon be able to sniff out citrus canker and alert inspectors to the disease at an early stage.
US welcomes WAPA progress
The World Apple & Pear Association (WAPA) moved closer to the establishment of a world quality mark for apples and pears at its most recent meeting at Fruit Logistica last month as its efforts earned support in the US pear sector.
Kentish strawberries tackle Korea
Hargreaves takes East Malling varieties to unexplored markets.
Sun World receives new funding
After filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Thursday, Sun World received approval for new funding on Friday.
First toms on Isle of Wight
The first Isle of Wight cherry tomatoes of 2003 have been packed at Arreton.