All Production & Trade articles – Page 1481

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    Spaldings targets top and soft fruit


    Top-fruit and soft-fruit growers have been identified as potential new customers by Spaldings, the Lincoln-based direct distributor of agriculture and ground care machinery.

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    Irish probe causes organic panic


    A three-way investigation is under way following the discovery of pesticide residues in organic produce imported into the Irish Republic.

  • The photo depicts the group sporting the Spring 2006 BerryWorld shirt

    BerryWorld on Huelva mission


    BerryWorld recently organised a grower trip to Huelva, Spain, to view developments and new concepts in the production area for soft fruit.

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    Chips are up for BPC


    The British Potato Council has hailed National Chip Week 2006 a success, after the industry’s levy-funded media campaign effectively boosted consumer sales.

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    Mustard helps slow soil erosion


    Mustard is being used to help monitor the state of farmland by making it easier to collect earthworm samples.

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    Local spuds for Welsh Asda


    Locally grown and packed Pembrokeshire new potatoes will be available to customers of Pembroke Dock Asda this spring.

  • Jason Burgess

    Organic growers feeling the heat


    increasing pressure on both the demand for available organic land, and the premium retail price differential between organic and conventional produce, is having a significant impact on the entire organic supply chain.

  • Melon woes worsen

    Melon woes worsen


    Spanish melon growers have reduced plantings, competition, low demand and water worries to contend with as the season gets underway.

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    Chile enjoys kiwi revivial


    The Chilean kiwifruit industry is enjoying a revival according to its sector body, the association of kiwifruit producers.

  • Cherry forecast dips

    Cherry forecast dips


    As the California cherry harvest gets under way in the southerly production areas, the crop from the state is expected to be further reduced on estimates two weeks ago.

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    EWT sponsors Harper Adams student


    Spalding-based supermarket supplier Empire World Trade has announced plans to support a university student looking to start a career in the food industry.

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    Joint venture to boost profile of microleaves


    UK fresh herbs and salad cress producer HumberVHB, has announced a joint venture with Westland Nurseries to market and distribute microleaf products.

  • Israeli citrus exports down

    Israeli citrus exports down


    On the back of a high volume season in 2004-05, Israeli citrus exports have fallen by 18 per cent in the 2005-06 season to date.

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    Drastic measures lift prices for Spanish strawbs


    The drastic measures taken by Spanish strawberry producers and reported in last week’s FPJ have succeeded in lifting prices for the fruit.

  • C-stores in fresh produce struggle

    C-stores in fresh produce struggle


    Convenience stores are still finding it difficult to compete with the major supermarket chains when it comes to fresh produce.

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    Exosect given PSD approval


    Exosect, a provider of environmentally conscious insect pest control, has announced that it has been accredited with GEP (Good Experimental Practice) status by the Pesticide Safety Directorate (PSD).

  • NFU president Peter Kendall

    OFT announcement welcomed by suppliers


    The Office of Fair Trading’s referral of the grocery market to the Competition Commission has largely been welcomed by producer representatives - as long as it tackles supplier-retailer relationships adequately, they say.

  • Aviko's no fat chips

    Aviko's no fat chips


    Aviko, the number one manufacturer of chilled chips and potato products in Europe, has launched a summer range for health conscious consumers.

  • Greenvale in early at Sainsbury's

    Greenvale in early at Sainsbury's


    Greenvale AP has delivered the first of this season’s home-grown new potatoes to Sainsbury’s stores as part of the Local First for Fresh campaign for 2006.

  • David Higgins

    Higgins expands down under


    Higgins Group, a leading potato supplier in Europe, is expanding its global operations with the appointment of an Australian agent to market two of its varieties down under.