All Production & Trade articles – Page 1452
New concept for SA fruit
A South African fruit marketer has developed a new concept that sees companies buying and marketing a fruit tree’s entire yield - across all grades.
FTA urges Brown to keep freeze on fuel
The Freight Transport Association is once again calling on Chancellor Gordon Brown to continue the freeze on fuel duty in his Pre-Budget Report tomorrow.
FTA welcomes new study
The Freight Transport Association has announced its support for the Eddington Transport Study,which recognises the importance of the UK’s international gateways.
Apple colour gene discovered
The gene that controls the colour of apples has been discovered by a CSIRO Plant Industry research team.
Mackle tackles apples
Leading apple processor James Mackle Ltd is using exclusive new technology to supply a preservative-free apple product to the fresh-cut industry.
Nice arils for Agrexco
Agrexco has upgraded its pomegranate-processing site in Israel to increase capacity and keep up with strong winter demand for fresh-prepared arils.
Mr Fruitness heads up kiwifruit promo
The European Fruitness Project is set to kick off its 2007 campaign with in-store promotions on Hayward kiwifruit headed up by cartoon superhero Mr Fruitness
FTA opposes toll rate rise
The Freight Transport Association has condemned plans to increase the M6 Toll rates from the new year.
BRC criticises out of date report
The British Retail Consortium has branded a report on supermarkets and healthy eating “disappointing” for failing to recognise retailers’ recent efforts to encourage shoppers to make healthier choices.
Strawb growers get weed advice
UK strawberry growers would benefit from starting weed control now, according to Dr David Stormonth, technical manager at Interfarm UK Ltd.
VIP harvest bucks EU trend
The Val Venosta Valley’s association of co-operatives (VIP) reports a successful 2006 harvest for its 2,000 members, against a background of lower EU volumes.
Israeli avocado boom
Israel’s total avocado yield this year will reach nearly 90,000 tonnes, compared with 40,000t last year.
Cranberries bounce back
The US cranberry sector is bouncing back from a devastating summer hailstorm in top-producing state Wisconsin.
Tree supply shortens
Christmas trees, particularly Nordmann Fir, are in tight supply this year.
Agrofair crosses the pond
Fairtrade fruit company AgroFair has announced the opening of a new joint venture sales and marketing office in the US.
Wholesale direction for English apples
Supplying the wrong product to wholesalers merely because it needs to be sold is a recipe for failure, top-fruit growers in the UK are being cautioned.
WA stonefruit recovery
Western Australia’s stonefruit industry looks set to recover from last season’s devastating inclement weather, with large, excellent-quality crops this season.
Sweet and early from South Africa
First arrivals of South African Early Sweet white seedless grapes are expected on the UK market within the next few days as the variety embarks on its first commercial season.
GM spud trials gain government approval
A controversial plan to grow genetically modified potatoes at two trial sites in Cambridgeshire and Derbyshire has gained government approval.
Labour users: switch on to gang laws
New legislation coming into force today (December 1) means that anyone using an unlicensed labour provider in the farming and food processing sectors will be committing a criminal offence.