One of 150 Victorian producers who received grants over three rounds 

The Victorian government has announced its federally-funded A$15.9mn Horticultural Netting Program is now fully allocated with 190 grants delivered to 150 Victorian producers over three rounds. 

Cherry Protective Netting

Grant recipients received up to A$150,000 

Among the grant recipients was Temhem orchards, a Nashi pear producer based at Lemnos, near Shepparton. Temhem director, Shannan Mehmet said the grant supported the installation of netting over 4ha of Nashi pears to limit hail damage and protect crops against birds and bats. 

“These grants have enabled us to significantly expand our netted land area, leading to a substantial increase in the production of premium-quality fruit and boosting the profitability of these blocks,” Mehmet said. 

The programme provided up to A$150,000 to producers of commercial horticulture crops, excluding wine grapes, for the purchase and installation of new netting over established production areas. 

The Australian government established the Horticulture Netting Program to help Australian growers, and their communities, recover from drought and the pandemic. It was expanded in February this year.  

“The Horticulture Netting Program aids the industry’s recovery from floods, storms, and drought and will also help our growers protect their valuable produce from pests and adverse weather conditions,” said Victorian minister for agriculture, Ros Spence.