New Public Research Organisation will bring together Plant & Food Research, AgResearch, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research and Scion
The Prime Minister of New Zealand has announced the government’s plans for the future of the New Zealand science system and Crown Research Institutes (CRIs), including Plant & Food Research.
These plans include the formation of new Public Research Organisations. One of these will be focused on the bioeconomy, bringing Plant & Food Research together with sister CRIs AgResearch, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research and Scion.
Plant & Food Research said in a statement it would work alongside its partners and customers to ensure minimal disruption to research projects.
“Our senior management and directors remain committed to ensuring the wellbeing of staff and the delivery of high-quality science throughout the transition period,” the institute said. “Bringing together these four CRIs into a single organisation reflects the importance to Aotearoa New Zealand of the biological economy, including the food and fibre sector and the environment in which it operates.”
However, it does anticipate key changes to take place throughout 2025 and 2026.