Queensland fruit fly credit NSW Department of Primary Industries

The South Australian government is investing in Australia’s first breeding facility for sterile, male-only Queensland fruit flies (Q-fly).

The A$3m project was announced by South Australian premier Jay Weatherill on Thursday (7 November), with the state government set to partner with Plant & Food Research Australia, Horticulture Australia and CSIRO Biosecurity Flagship at the facility.

The sterile insects bred at the facility will be released to mate with wild female fruit flies, which researchers hope will create a reduction in the population.

Each year, South Australia spends around A$5 million to maintain a fruit fly free status. Weatherill said the new facility would help eradicate incursions of Q-fly into the state and support the control of Q-fly in other major horticulture production areas across the country.

Construction of the facility will begin within the next six months and will be completed over the next two years.