Overall food prices also see decrease for first time in six years  

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The decrease was driven by lower prices fro tomatoes, potatoes and cheese

In the 12 months to June 2024, prices for fruit and vegetables in New Zealand fell 16.1 per cent, according to figures released by Stats NZ. 

“The decrease for fruit and vegetable prices is the largest recorded since the series began (in 1961), as prices fell from the record-high level in June 2023,” James Mitchell, consumer prices manager said. 

Overall food prices also decreased in the 12 months to June 2024, the first annual decrease in nearly six years (August 2018).  

The decrease of 0.3 per cent was driven by lower prices for tomatoes, potatoes and cheese, Mitchell said.  

Despite this annual fall, the overall food price level is still the third highest since the series began in 1961 and prices increased by 1.0 per cent in June 2024 compared with May 2024. 

“While food prices were cheaper in June 2024 than they were in June 2023, 11 of the past 12 months have actually had cheaper food prices than in June 2024,” Mitchell said. 

All other broad food groups increased in price in the 12 months to June 2024.