Enzed Exotics Kiwano horned melons

The first shipment of kiwano fruit has set sail from New Zealand to the US. Exotic fruits, like the spiky but soft kiwano are becoming a growing category for health-conscious customers worldwide.

Vanessa Hutchings, a New Zealand grower of kiwano believes that growing demand for exotics like kiwano are helping to grow the produce category as a whole.

Under her company lable, Enzed Exotics, Hutchings has aspirations to ship up to 50,000 trays of fruit in 2018.

“Now is the time for the produce industry to really capitalise on the movement towards wellness and plant based eating. People are seeking out food that makes them feel good,” said Hutchings.

“We’re very excited about this season, and for the future. We’ve expanded our sales and marketing team recently, and we’re using our extra resources to explore new opportunities.”

Hutchings’ company, Enzed Exotics, has been in discussion with importers from the UK, Canada and Hong Kong.