Bipartisan group established to advocate for Australia’s fresh produce industry

(l-r) Gavin Scurr, chair of AFPA and managing director of Piñata Farms, Julie Colins MP, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry, Meryl Swanson, chair of Standing Committee on Agriculture, Raff Ciccone, co-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Fr

(l-r) Gavin Scurr, chair of AFPA and managing director of Piñata Farms, Julie Colins MP, minister for agriculture, fisheries and forestry, Meryl Swanson, chair of Standing Committee on Agriculture, Raff Ciccone, co-chair of the Parliamentary Friends of Fr

Australian MPs from all sides of politics have come together to form a new group to support and advocate for the needs of the country’s fresh produce industry.

The Federal Parliamentary Friends of Fresh Produce was launched on 11 September at Parliament House in Canberra at an event that brought together key industry representatives, parliamentarians, and government officials.

The launch was welcomed by industry groups including the Australian Fresh Produce Alliance (AFPA) with chief executive Claire McClelland expressing her support.

“We are immensely grateful to the co-chairs, senator Raff Ciccone and Andrew Willcox, for their leadership in establishing the Parliamentary Friends of Fresh Produce,” said McClelland. “Their dedication to our industry has been instrumental in bringing this group to life, and we look forward to working closely with them and all members of the group to advance the priorities of our sector.”

McClelland said the AFPA recognised the establishment of this parliamentary group as a significant step forward in ensuring that the needs and challenges of the industry are understood and addressed at the highest levels of government.

“The fresh produce industry is essential not only to the economy, but also to the health and well-being of all Australians and we are pleased to see this commitment from parliamentarians to support our sector and work with us to secure its future,” she said.

As part of the event, the AFPA launched its latest white paper: Fresh, Healthy and Affordable - Growing the future of the fresh produce industry, which provides an overview of the state of the fresh produce industry and outlines strategic recommendations for ensuring its long-term sustainability and growth.

The white paper highlights key opportunities and challenges for the fresh produce sector, including growing trade, reversing a decline in domestic consumption, addressing labour challenges, and progressing environmental sustainability initiatives that are pragmatic and holistically considered.

“The launch of our white paper is timely, as it coincides with the formation of this important parliamentary group,” said McClelland.

“We want to work with all interested parties and stakeholders to not only safeguard the supply of local fresh produce, but help our industry grow and thrive. We encourage everyone to read the white paper and engage with us on its findings and recommendations as we work together to advance Australia’s fresh produce industry.”