Brand new ways with table grapes

Join leading players from the international table grape industry to discuss key strategies to grow demand.
4 & 5 July, hosted by Serrroplast in Rutigliano, Bari


The development of tastier varieties and growing demand for healthier snacking options show there is huge potential in the table grape market. Having the right varietal mix is essential to satisfy market demand. What does today’s consumer want? And how can producers address environmental concerns in a sustainable way? 


09:00 Registration  

09:45 Welcome address 

• Chris White, Fruitnet Media International (UK)
• Giorgio Mancino, Fruitnet Media International (Italy) 
• Giuseppe Valenzano, Mayor of Rutigliano (Italy)
• Nunzio Latrofa, Deputy Mayor of Noicattaro (Italy)

10:00-11:00 Session 1 

New consumer preferences in table grapes
Consumer preferences are changing. What does the new consumer want? And how can the supply chain meet this future demand?

• Cindy van Rijswick, Rabobank Research Food & Agribusiness (Netherlands)
• John Pandol, Pandol Bros (US)
• Josefina Mena, Moyca (Spain)
• Carlo Magni, Forward Insight and Strategy (New Zealand) 

11:00-12:00 Session 2 

The future of table grape retailing in Northern Europe
Supermarkets control fresh produce sales. But their role is changing. How can the supply chain position itself to meet new demand from online sales, discounters, convenience stores, high-end grocers, and delivery box companies?

• Desmond Jas, Olympic Fruit (Netherlands)
• Carlo Berardi, Good Produce (UK)


12:45-13:45 Session 3 

New winners in varietals 
New varieties are more in tune with market demand than ever before. What new developments will drive future demand?

• Nomi Karniel Padan, Grapa Varieties (Israel)
• Dimitrios Spanos, Grape Evolution (Greece)
• Maurizio Ventura, Sun World (Italy)
• Marcos Felici, Bloom Fresh (Italy)

13:45- 14:45 NETWORKING LUNCH 

14:45- 16:00 Session 4  

Sustainability solutions I: Simplifying certification and compliance  
There are too many certification schemes in the industry and this places a heavy cost and time burden on producers. Is it possible to cut the complexity of compliance and sustainability in fresh food supply chains?

• Jim Jefcoate, Food Experts (UK)
• Enja Matthee, Farmable (South Africa)

Sustainability solutions II: New rules in packaging

Suppliers argue that new EU packaging regulations will have a negative impact on quality, safety and freshness of their products. But shoppers want more environmentally friendly products and packaging. How can we find a sustainable way forward?

• Massimiliano Del Core, Ortofrutta Italia (Italy)
• Massimo Bellotti, Carton Pack (Italy)

Sustainability solutions III: Fighting climate change with technology

New technologies are helping growers to mitigate the risks of climate change. But having the right tools is only part of the equation. Growers need partners with the knowledge to ensure they produce a consistently good harvest.

• Giuseppe Borracci, Serroplast (Italy)
• Giuseppe Cacucci, Upgrape, (Italy)

16:00-17:30 STUDY TOURS (WALKING) & B2B meetings