Israeli agritech startup Nanovel has signed an agreement with California Citrus Research Board to run tests in 2025

Nanovel citrus robot

Source: Nanovel

The California Citrus Research Board has agreed to help fund a US$900,000 series of field trials on what is said to be the world’s first AI-powered autonomous robot harvester for the fresh citrus industry.

The multi-arm robot, which has been developed by Israeli startup Nanovel, can apparently pick citrus for the fresh market amid dense foliage thanks to its AI features.

Although the trial version is pulled along by a tractor, future updates are expected to include an internal drive unit that can move the robot around by itself.

In a statement, Nanovel explained how each of its arms uses a patented end-effector with a vacuum gripper, to cradle the fruit and then trim the stems using cutters.

It said this could be done without damaging the fruit, which is transported via conveyor belts to harvest bins.

The field trials are scheduled to start in the spring of 2025, and will involve leading Californian citrus producers.