Vital Berry Marketing

Vital Berry Marketing (VBM) in Chile has entered new hands after two shareholders acquired an additional 28.8 per cent stake in the group (from the Silva family), raising their total ownership to 70 per cent.

San José Farms and Algeciras, which are linked to Chilean businessmen Ignacio Del Río and Eduardo Elberg respectively, have bought shares in the berry supplier with the goal of reaching Northern Hemisphere consumers more directly, according to a press release from VBM.

The new owners aim to drive the development of a fruit and agroindustrial holding company to take advantage of operational and marketing synergies, offer added value and a better service to clients and retailers.

The remaining 30 per cent shares in VBM will continue in the hands of Huertos Collipulli and businessmen Claudio Contreras Concha and Mario Hernández álvarez, among others.

VBM is one of the Southern Hemisphere’s largest fresh blueberry suppliers. The group also exports cherries, kiwifruit, figs, pomegranates and frozen berries.

The company has commercial links with receivers in the US, the UK, the Netherlands and Germany and operates production in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico and Romania to offer a year-round supply.

This season, VBM said it expects to generate US$1167m in sales, according to the press release.