The Association of Val Venosta Fruit & Vegetable Cooperatives (VI.P), a major marketer and exporter of apples grown in the north-east Italian province of South Tyrol, has said it expects the 2009/10 season to close 'in line with expectations' following a tough campaign.
'Despite an excellent crop in terms of quality and quantity, the start of the season was difficult,' commented VI.P director Josef Wielander.
'However, from January onwards sales were positive and the decumulation is proceeding as normal, which means we can guarantee we will be rid of all our stock before the start of the new harvest,' he continued.
Prices, in the meantime, remain significantly below those anticipated, Mr Wielander reported. 'Come the end of the season, producers will be able to cover their costs, but without making any big gains.'
VI.P sold around 60 per cent of its total apple production in Italy this season, while in terms of its exports Scandinavia and the Iberian Peninsula stood out as the leading destinations for its branded fruit.
Emerging markets like Libya, Algeria and Egypt are also reported to have shown strong demand for Italian apples this year, Mr Wielander revealed, and overall the group's diversified export portfolio had enabled it to achieve steady sales through the course of the season.
'As regards the 2011 crop, it's still too early to make predictions,' Mr Wielander added. 'Currently the conditions are right for a normal crop, both in terms of volume and quality, but a lot depends on the weather and on the general level of European production.'