Juan Varilias Adex Peru

The Peruvian Exporters Association (Adex) has re-elected current president Juan Varilias Velásquez to lead the Lima-based organisation for another year.

During the election, Carlos Lozada Zingoni and Humberto Speziani were also been appointed first and second vice-president, according to press release from Adex.

Varilias’s new term as president begins on 1 April 2012 and will run until 31 March 2013, Adex said.

The board for the year ahead also comprises Ricardo Huancaruna (treasurer), Juan Alfredo Menacho (secretary), Pedro Luksic Staeding (speaker) and Alejandro Pedraza Mac Lean.

Varilias has a background in economics and accounting and benefits from experience in almost all of Peru’s major industries, including agriculture, construction and automobiles.

He is also executive chairman of Gandules, a longstanding Peruvian exporter of vegetables and legumes, which entered into the table grape trade three years ago.