Anecoop Agrikoop

Francisco Camps (centre) at the opening of the Agrikoop office in Moscow

The president of the Spanish region of Valencia has confidently predicted that the autonomous community will increase its exports to Russia by between 30-40 per cent annually during the next decade.

Speaking at the opening last week of major fresh produce marketer Anecoop’s new Russian subsidiary, Agrikoop, in Moscow, the president of the Valencian government, Francisco Camps, predicted that the region's exports to Russia “would increase”.

Mr Camps said Valencia was well-placed to take advantage of the expected growth in the Russian economy over the next decade, as he claimed the Spanish region already accounted for 40 per cent of EU exports to the country.

Anecoop, which last year recorded a turnover totalling €430m, exports 84 per cent of its production and employs some 150,000 people in Valencia region.