Port of Wilmington

Trade Intelligence company Zepol has reported that US import shipment volumes (TEUs) through August increased by 8.21 per cent from those seen in July, but actually fell 2.79 per cent on a year-on-year basis.

According to the group, the total number of shipments also increased almost 10 per cent from July, while also showing a drop of 0.65 per cent from August 2010.

For the year to date, total TEUs are up 2.35 per cent this year over 2010, Zepol noted.

Incoming shipments from Asia reached a new high for the year, with volumes amounting to 604,374, with both Asia and Europe displaying large increases in shipments for August, rising 10.69 per cent and 10.87 per cent respectively.

Within Asia, China set the bar at 320,969 incoming shipments, which was a near 11 per cent increase from July 2011, while Central America and South America also exhibited positive increases.

All US ports posted increases in incoming TEUs for August when compared with July, with Pacific ports reaching 901,200 TEUs, the most since September 2010, and Mid-Atlantic ports recording a 12 per cent TEU increase.