Spain cartons

Spanish fresh produce association Fepex has revealed that the country's fresh produce exports to the European Union for the January-August period came in 10 per cent higher in volume terms when compared with the same timeframe of 2014.

Fepex, quoting data from the Directorate General of Customs and Revenue, said that exports to the EU totaled 8.1m tonnes, while the value of fresh produce shipments climbed 17 per cent year-on-year to €7.62bn.

Within the EU, the main export markets for Spain's fruit and vegetables were Germany (€1.98bn), France (€1.48bn) and the UK (€1.14bn).

Exports to non-EU countries, including Norway, Switzerland and Belarus, fell 43 per cent in volume terms to 220,255 tonnes and 38 per cent in value to €244m.

Non European countries took on 23 per cent more Spanish product in volume through the eight-month period, up to 348,021 tonnes, at a value increase of 36 per cent to €311.7m.

Leading export markets outside of Europe for Spain were Brazil, the UAE and Algeria, according to Fepex.