Jonathan Evans Muddy Boots

Jonathan Evans

Muddy Boots demonstrated its Greenlight Supplier Approval (GLSA) software’s latest development at this year’s Fruit Logistica in Berlin, namely supply chain mapping – part of the software that allows customers in the fresh produce industry to manage the approval status of suppliers.

According to the company, this new, highly visual method of displaying a supply chain structure helps to manage the complexity of even the most complicated supply chains in a way that is clear, concise and easy to understand.

“Supply chain mapping is available in two views,” explained Jonathan Evans, managing director of Muddy Boots. “One shows a cutting edge family tree-style diagram that depicts the various tiers of suppliers and end customers, interconnected according to who they supply. Anyone in that supply chain will be able to see where they sit and who is feeding product into them.”

Evans noted that this view is then translated into a map view where growers, suppliers and end customers are pinpointed on the map according to their geographical location. This physical representation of where members of this supply chain are based gives a single, clear view of where product has come from and where it is going.

The key benefit of the feature is that it constantly changes according to the supply chain environment, he continued. “So often supply chain maps are a snapshot in time, while GLSA’s supply chain mapping is a living, breathing system that is constantly changing according to live sourcing dynamics and data submitted by the suppliers. It’s always completely up-to-date and gives the most accurate representation of the state of the supply chain possible. This is vital for buying teams who need to quickly know where best to supply from, or, more to the point, where the sourcing issues are.”

While most systems require a trawl through files to obtain information on suppliers and products, GLSA allows you to see things on a single screen.

“Users can click on a supplier to drill down for more specific information and the whole chain overview can be filtered according to specific products, location, or end customer,” Evans added. “With Greenlight Supplier Approval, fundamental information about the members of a supply chain is readily accessible in just a few clicks and supply chain mapping now consolidates this information in a clear and representative way.”