Univeg RSA leadership programme

Univeg Katopé South Africa has announced that it has enrolled in a leadership programme with Thlalefa School situated in the Politsi valley, located on the outskirts of Tzaneen in northern South Africa.

According to the group, the aim of the programme is to help young people realise their potential and find their own unique voice and purpose, empowering children to become 'agents of social change for themselves and their communities'.

The residential programme and subsequent ongoing support is structured around six core values of awareness, focus, creativity, integrity, perseverance and service, Univeg noted.

'By Tuesday all the children had participated, they seem so happy, happy with themselves and they were so relaxed,' said Univeg's Inger Truter on the launch of the programme. 'I was so overwhelmed to see all these happy faces, to see them smile, and experience the joy on their faces... what an unbelievable experience.'