The head of the United States' largest fresh produce trade association has urged officials on both sides of the country's political spectrum to work together to restore economic growth and to back up recent efforts to promote healthy eating by providing the industry with new access to workers.
Tom Stenzel, president and chief executive of United Fresh, told Americafruit he wanted to see a renewed commitment to boosting consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, as well as the passing of new laws that would allow more foreign workers into the fresh produce sector.
"The US produce industry is looking to continue promoting fresh produce consumption as a critical part of preventive healthcare, to pass a compromise Farm Bill still in 2012 to ensure a sound agricultural policy, and to start a meaningful dialogue toward real immigration reform in the next year," said Stenzel.
"If we are not able to harvest our crops due to a lack of labour, it doesn’t really matter that people know to increase consumption for their health."
On a broader front, Stenzel said the association wanted the US administration to take real steps towards improving the country's overall economic fortunes.
"After all the debate and money spent, the US election has brought us back to almost the exact place we were before," he said. "President Obama is in the White House, the Republicans control the House of Representatives and the Democrats control the Senate.
"That means we can expect many of the same battles of the past few years. But we're hopeful that both sides may be more willing to look at fresh solutions to some of the critical issues the country is facing."
He added: "Stalemate and inaction will not grow the economy, reduce the debt, or enhance people’s lives."