United Fresh

US-based United Fresh Produce Association has backed newly-introduced legislation which it says will help the fresh produce industry ensure that consumer confidence in fruit and vegetables remains high.

Senator Richard Durbin this week introduced the new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009, which gives the FDA new powers to review food processing and laboratory testing records, and the authority to order compulsory product recalls if contamination is suspected.

Additionally, the bill adds US$825m to the FDA's resources to hire inspectors both in the US and at foreign plants.

'Providing consumers with safe and nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables is at the core of our industry's commitment to enhance the health of the American public,' said Tom Stenzel, United Fresh president and CEO. 'The industry must do all we can everyday to produce the safest possible products and consumers must have confidence in our overall food safety regulatory system.'

Mr Stenzel commended the Senator and his colleagues for introducing the legislation, calling on congress to 'look at food safety law in its totality' and move to implement changes across all areas from farm to fork.

He said that he supported provisions in the legislations to address specific food safety in the fresh produce industry through a mandatory, comprehensive, commodity-specific and science-based approach.

'This legislation represents a positive step forward in crafting needed reforms, and we look forward to our continuing dialogue with Senator Durbin and other congressional leaders on these important matters,' Mr Stenzel added.