Tesco Express UK

New figures released by industry analyst IGD predict that the UK's grocery convenience sector is set to grow to £42.2bn (€49.3bn) over the next five years.

According to figures released at the group's Convenience Retail Conference, the sector will increase in value by more than a quarter in the run up to 2016, up from its current value of £33.6bn (€39.2bn).

Similarly, convenience's share of the overall food and grocery market is expected to increase to 22.9 per cent by 2016, compared with the figure of 21.4 per cent by the end of this year.

IGD ShopperTrack research found that 50 per cent of shoppers would use shops closer to them if fuel prices continue to rise, 46 per cent of convenience store shoppers consider proximity a key factor when choosing a store, and convenience store shoppers use the format on average three times a week.

'The convenience sector is doing well in challenging conditions and outperforming the wider grocery market,' said Nick Everitt, director of retail insight at IGD.

'The convenience market's success is down to a number of factors, including an ability to adapt the changing demands of the UK population,' he added. 'Shoppers are, for example, increasingly favouring a 'little and often' approach, and convenience operators are responding by offering a wider range of product choices, including more fresh and chilled foods, such as fruit and vegetables.

'Convenience stores are also reaping the benefits of people cutting down on their car usage due to high petrol prices and so preferring to shop locally.'