Eating mangoes

The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has this week released details of a new study conducted in the UK, which has found that the majority of consumers are coming up short when it comes to their recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables per day.

A poll carried out by YouGov showed that, on average, only 22 per cent of the British adult population is consuming five or more portions each day – nearly ten years after the Department of Health first introduced the 5-a-day campaign.

Fresh produce consumption levels were lowest in the north of England (18 per cent), with the highest levels of consumption (26 per cent) in the south of the country.

'These figures show that many people are still finding it difficult to follow the healthy eating message,' said Kate Mendoza, WCRF's head of education. 'Getting at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is the building block of a healthy diet. Not only are fruit and veg a good source of nutrients, they also tend to be low in calories and full of fibre so help us maintain a healthy weight.

'A diet based on plant foods, such as wholegrains and pulses as well as fruit and vegetables, can reduce cancer risk as research shows they protect against a range of cancers,' Mendoza added. 'Recent research has confirmed that foods containing fibre reduce the risk of bowel cancer.'

WCRF commissioned the survey to coincide with Cancer Prevention Week, which started on 14 May and culminates in Fruity Friday on 18 May. As part of the week, ECRF is encouraging people in the UK to eat 'just one more' portion of fruit and vegetables to boost consumption levels.

'A lot of WCRF's work focuses on raising awareness of the importance of diet, physical activity and body weight in relation cancer risk,' Mendoza explained. 'Although people are more aware of the significance of eating 5-a-day than they used to be, it is clear that there are still barriers to incorporating plant foods into our daily diets.'