Izmir and Samsun are collaborating to increase the latter’s exports of fresh fruit and vegetables, including experience-sharing in production and exports

In Turkey, Izmir province is assisting the Black Sea province of Samsun to boost the latter’s exports of fresh fruit and vegetables, according to a report in Turkish Agri News


Izmir, one of the country’s leading provinces for exports of fresh fruit and vegetables, is set to share its experience in production and export and offer training to companies.

Turkey’s fresh fruit and vegetables sector brought in US$6bn in foreign currency in the last year, but Samsun province exports just US$339m of plant products annually.

Samsun is a major producer of cabbage, cauliflower, hazelnuts and kiwifruit, as well as having a significant presence in livestock and aquaculture.

Hayrettin Uçak, deputy coordinator chairman of the Aegean Exporters’ Association and chair of the Aegean Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Exporters’ Association, said the aim would be to reach an export figure of US$1.5bn by the end of 2024.