ZA Tru-Cape Roelf Pienaar Conrad Fick

Roelf Pienaar (left) and Conrad Fick, Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing

Tru-Cape Fruit Marketing, South Africa's largest apple and pear marketer, has confirmed the appointment of Roelf Pienaar as its new managing director, effective from the start of January 2014.

Pienaar will take over from current managing director Charles Hughes, who has led the firm since its inception in 2001 and is due to retire in December.

Commenting on the appointment, Hughes said he believed Pienaar was the right man for the job, having worked in the industry in supply chain management for supermarkets including Pick n Pay in South Africa as well as abroad.

'He is highly qualified with excellent business experience. I know he will take Tru-Cape forward in a positive manner based on sound business principles,” Hughes said.

Meanwhile, the group has also promoted marketing manager Conrad Fick to the position of marketing director as well as appointing him to its board.

Tru-Cape chairman Pieter Graaff said Fick had demonstrated quality leadership in his role as group marketing manager and the board wanted to recognise this.

'Conrad has grown up in the Grabouw fresh fruit industry and brings a number of years of experience and well established relationships with growers and suppliers alike,' Graaff added. 'We look forward to continued positive growth in future years.'