On 1 October TransFair USA will change its name to Fair Trade USA to bring the organisation in line with other Fair Trade certifiers around the world who are affiliated with Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International.
“We’re confident that our new name and updated, simplified brand identity will support the effort to increase awareness of Fair Trade among a broader consumer audience, increase sales of Fair Trade Certified products, and, ultimately, generate more benefits for farmers and workers around the world,” TransFair USA said in a news release.
“This change will not affect our certification label. The familiar Fair Trade Certified label, now recognized by more than 100 million Americans, remains unchanged.”
In the past five years, TransFair USA claims consumer recognition of the Fair Trade Certified label has tripled.
“We look forward to working to accelerate that momentum, strengthen Fair Trade’s reputation and reach, and increase the positive impact for all stakeholders in our global community,” the group explained.
The certification body will bring its new brand identity to life on the organization’s website and in our marketing materials over the next year, starting with Fair Trade Month, which kicks off 1 October with the new tagline “Every Purchase Matters.”
The annual national Fair Trade awareness campaign mobilises a wide range of corporate, non-profit, producer and consumer partners through more than 100 events, promotions and fund-raising parties across the US.
These activities raise awareness of the Fair Trade movement as a comprehensive approach to social, economic and environmental empowerment and sustainability among farming communities in the developing world.