Netherlands stand Freshconex 2010

Freshconex 2010, the leading international trade fair for the global fresh produce convenience market, returned with a bang this year as visitor numbers climbed on the previous year.

Key characteristics of the event included the international scope of exhibitors and trade visitors, a concentrated market overview and the high-level decision-making authority of the trade representatives attending.

Following a successful debut in 2008, Europe's only trade fair for products from the fresh produce convenience segment took place for the third time at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Some 7,000 trade visitors from five continents (5,500 in 2009) were in Berlin on 3-5 February to view the products and services presented by 71 of the industry's leading companies, from 15 different nations (72/13 in 2009).

The Freshconex 2010 Business Forum, organised by the United Fresh Produce Association and Eurofruit Magazine and an integral part of the three-day trade fair, presented concentrated information on the latest trends in fresh convenience products.

Each day, internationally recognised experts reported on the current developments with a focus on themes such as 'New technologies for fresh produce convenience', 'Innovations in marketing for fresh produce convenience' and 'Improved logistics and distribution for fresh produce convenience'.

The key aims of Freshconex exhibitors were to meet new customers, present their companies and build their image, maintain customer relations and present information to an audience of trade specialists. These objectives were achieved or exceeded by nearly all exhibitors, with over 82 per cent reporting positive results from their participation at the trade fair.

Although the main focus of the trade event is not on business transactions, around one-third of Freshconex exhibitors managed to close new orders. More than 82 per cent of the exhibitors said they expected satisfactory to very good post-trade fair business, with 80 per cent saying that they would recommend Freshconex to colleagues or business associates. An equal number of exhibitors said they planned to be back for 2011.