
Total Berry has formed a new joint venture initiative after inking a deal with US-based company Plant Sciences Inc.

Theinitiative project is seen as a natural evolution within the Redeva varietal development programme and the Total Produce UK subsidiary hopesthe partnership will provide a combined force capable of generating significant advantage to Total Berry customers and growers.

Beginningin the spring 2011, Total Berry will launch a range of innovative strawberry, raspberry and blackberry varieties throughout the UK market available as a result of the exclusive licensing agreement. Prospective varieties are currently being screened in collaboration with Total Berrygrowers.

The ultimate goal of the program is 'to discover and refine varieties of berries, which combine traditional flavour and excellent aroma, with advantageous yields and increased natural resistance to pests and diseases, making them sustainable for the growerand highly desirable to the consumer', according to Total Berry.

PlantSciences has been active for more than 25 years in the research and development of berry varieties, with a focus on strawberry, raspberry and blackberry varieties.

Steve Nelson, director at Plant Sciences, said: 'We are very pleased to be partnering with the very motivated and qualified professionals of Total Berry. We look forward toserving them by providing them with berry varieties that are well adapted to their market needs, the needs of their growers, and ultimately the consumers they serve.'

Denis Punter, executive chairman of Total Produce UK, said: 'Total Produce was delighted to haveentered into this exciting new relationship with Plant Sciences, Inc. who are a renowned world leader in berry varietal development. This relationship will complement and accelerate the development of our existing Redeva Programme to the benefit of our customers within the UK.'