Dazzling Gold pears

The Greenery and SNC Socheleau (Le Verger de la Blottière) have this week confirmed the signing of an agreement on the planting and marketing of Sweet Sensation and Dazzling Gold pears in France, whereby 50ha will be planted over a period of six years.

At Fruit Logistica in Berlin, Philip Smits, general manager of The Greenery and David Socheleau, General Manager of SNC Socheleau (Le Verger de la Blottière), signed the licence agreement on the planting and marketing of Sweet Sensation and Dazzling Gold.

Under the agreement, Le Verger de la Blottière will plant 50ha of Sweet Sensation and Dazzling Gold trees over the next six years, with the option of an additional 200ha.

The first French crop of Sweet Sensation is expected in 2013, with the agreement fitting the global plan to have Sweet Sensation and Dazzling Gold available year-round.

The agreement represents the ambition of both companies to strengthen their position in the French market, where the varieties are currently only supplied through the Netherlands.

Indeed, the local-for-local production to be established in the years ahead ties in with the growing trend among French consumers to choose products cultivated in France itself, The Greenery explained.

Le Verger de la Blottière is convinced Sweet Sensation will be a success in the French market.

'The Sweet Sensation is a pear that cultivates well, looks very attractive and has a delicious taste,' said Mr Socheleau. 'We see plenty of opportunities to inject a new dynamism into the French pear market which has exhibited a downward trend in the past few years. This expansion fits in with our planned worldwide strategy and therefore has every chance of success.'