Coforta logo

Dutch horticultural cooperative The Greenery UA has officially changed its name to Coforta and will relocate from Barendrecht to Bleiswijk as part of a major initiative designed to distinguish the cooperative from trading company The Greenery BV, which retains its name and corporate identity.

In January 2009, The Greenery announced its intention to set up a new cooperation model between the trading company, the cooperative and its members, with shifting market conditions and the changing needs of customers and growers driving the reorganisation.

The decision to introduce a new name, Coforta, is intended to highlight the separate positioning given to the cooperative and, in particular, a new commercial configuration aimed at attracting market-oriented growers.

This, says the company, will be achieved by creating powerful channels into market based on the qualitative bundling of supply chains, while leaving room for individual entrepreneurship.

'The cooperative's name-change is a logical consequence of the new collaboration model,' said Theo Ammerlaan, chairman of the cooperative.

'The difference between the name of the trading company and the cooperative sends a powerful message and serves to underline the fact that the cooperative has a clear strategy aimed at bundling supply chains.'

According to the cooperative, the new name conveys cooperative power and collaboration.

'Coforta is solid, reliable, and represents accessibility, leadership, sensibility, clarity and quality,' said a spokesperson for the cooperative. 'These values are emphasised by the logo in the shape of a shield.'

Retaining the green and yellow colours of The Greenery's own corporate image in order to reflect the strong bond it will retain with the trading company, Coforta will operate under the motto 'cooperative strength through individual strength'.

Unlike The Greenery, however, Coforta will no longer be based in Barendrecht but will relocate to Bleiswijk.

The majority of the cooperative's members have confirmed their choice of two forms of collaboration with The Greenery – referred to as 'P' (Partnership) and 'T' (Transaction).

In practical terms, the cooperative will retain overall responsibility for the sales of all its members products.

For Model P growers, these sales will be handled solely through The Greenery and will only be to retail customers, but Model T growers will have the choice to sell either through The Greenery, the Dutch wholesale trade or to exporters.

In each case, Coforta will determine both the commercial policy and strategy.

To this end, a private limited company, Coforta Verkoop BV, was established on 2 February 2010 for the purpose of implementing commercial policy for Model T growers.

According to the spokesperson, 82 per cent of growers chose Model P, while 18 per cent opted for Model T.

In terms of volume, this means that Model P growers will represent approximately 60 per cent of Coforta's volume, with Model T growers making up 40 per cent.

Apple and pear growers linked to The Greenery are set to confirm their decision at the beginning of next season.