Tesco virtual store Gatwick

Mandy Minichiello, senior marketing manager for Tesco.com, demonstrates how to use the virtual store

Tesco has launched a new interactive virtual grocery store in the UK, with the concept being trialled at the North Terminal of Gatwick airport in London from 6-19 August.

According to the group, the store is designed to help holidaygoers prepare for their return to the country by pre-ordering their groceries, setting a delivery date to ensure they do not have an empty fridge when they get home.

The Gatwick virtual store allows passengers passing through the North Terminal to combine browsing with convenience, with a large range of everyday products appearing on unique moving screens on large virtual fridges. By scanning a product's barcode using a downloaded Tesco app on a smartphone, shoppers can add chosen products to their online baskets.

It builds on Tesco's launch of the world's first virtual store in South Korea last year, which allowed commuters to shop in subways and at bus stops by using the same smartphone technology.

'Our business in Korea is teaching us a lot about how customers and technology are transforming shopping,' said Ken Towle, Tesco's internet retailing director. 'It gives us a unique window into the future ad the chance to try out exciting new concepts. the virtual store blends clicks and bricks, bringing together our love of browsing with the convenience of online shopping. It's a chance to showcase what we can do to the 30,000 people a day who will depart from Gatwick's North Terminal, many of whom will need to fill their fridges when they get home, and we're looking forward to hearing what they think.'

Mandy Minichiello, senior marketing manager for Tesco.com, also backed the project, pointing to the stresses that holidays can bring.

'The last thing you want is an empty fridge when you get back,' she explained. 'When we came up with the idea for the virtual store at Gatwick, we really wanted to provide a helpful service for busy families. You can book a delivery slot up to three weeks in advance, do a full grocery shop while waiting for a flight and it will be delivered to your home when you get back.'

Click here to see the virtual store in action