Tany Nature

The 2015 Spanish stonefruit campaign has got off to a strong start according to Badajoz-based Tany Nature. Marketing manager José María Naranjo told Fruitnet that the company was making steady inroads into new markets, with some of the company’s latest varieties were showing excellent potential.

“Favourable growing conditions across the country have resulted in an orderly arrival of fruit from each production region, avoiding a repeat of last year’s supply glut at the outset of the season,” Naranjo said. “The industry has also had more time to plan export programmes and allow for the closure of the Russian market, so expectations are running high.”

According to forecasts from the association of Agrifood Cooperatives, the Spanish crop is expected to weigh in at 1.646m tonnes, a 2 per cent increase on 2014 and 18 per cent up on the five-year average.

Tany recently completed a €5m upgrade of its packhouse in Zurbarán. “The new technology and extra capacity will not only help us to improve efficiency and cut costs but also to meet market demand for more specific formats,” said Naranjo.

The company exports to 42 markets in Europe, Latin America, Asia and Africa and its production extends over 2,800 ha in Spain, Portugal and Morocco.